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Privacy policy


Your privacy is important to us. We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant legislation on the protection of Personal Data (collectively referred to as Privacy Legislation). In this Privacy Policy you can read which Personal Data we process and how we store, protect and use your Personal Data. Furthermore, you can read for which purposes and on which legal grounds we process your Personal Data and how you can exercise your privacy rights

Personal Data

In this Privacy Policy, your Personal Data refers to all information by which a person can be identified, directly or indirectly. This definition is in accordance with the Privacy Legislation.

Are you younger than eighteen years old?

If you are younger than eighteen years old, you cannot make use of our App.

Which Personal Data do we process?

Before you can use our App, we will ask you to register and create your personal Alaii account (Account). In this respect, you are invited to provide us:


  • Your first name
  • Your email address
  • Your age/date of birth
  • Your job/function
  • One (or more) clear picture(s) of you
  • A description of yourself;
  • Geolocation
  • Education
  • Job title and industry;
  • Height
  • Whether you smoke:
  • Whether you drink
  • Whether you have children;
  • Date ideas, favourite spots, travel plans, hobbies and interests;

After creating your Account, your Account will be visible to other members. While still on our waiting list, we save the Personal Data you have provided us with. If you want to be removed from our waiting list and want us to erase your Personal Data – please send us an email via

After your Account has been created, you can complete your Account with the following information (all optional):

In conclusion, please be informed that we take photographs during events which we organize which may include picture of you and we may use these photographs for (external) promotional purposes.


How do we use your Personal Data?

Login details are used to:

  • verify your identity when logging in;
  • provide your access to your account.

We may process these personal data, because this is necessary to perform our agreement with you (i.e. giving you access to the Website and App through your Account).

Personal data on your account is used to:

    • allow you to use your Account;
    • show your Account to other members;
    • allow other member to find you via targeted searches on the basis of first name, height, age and other information that members share via their accounts;
    • show you mutual connections you and other members have on Facebook or LinkedIn (depending on whether and which profile you used to make an Account);
    • prevent, detect and combat illegal or unauthorized activities on the Website/App.
    • anonymise for the purpose of (statistical) analyses and scientific research with anonymized data only.

    We may process these personal data, because you have given us your consent to do so (i.e. by voluntarily uploading such information to your Account).

    With regard to the prevention, detection and combat of illegal activities, we process personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest to ensure the users of the Website/App can engage with each other in a safe and pleasant way. This includes personal data included in/derived from notifications from other users regarding possible illegal or unauthorized activities performed with your account. 

     With regard to the act of anonymisation, we do this on the basis of a legitimate interest to perform research and the development of our services in order to optimise the user experience, without using personal data to do so.

    Pictures you upload are used to:

    • add to your Account and thus display to other members;
    • include in email messages from Alaii to other members that might be a good match;
    • select the best quality pictures for you via API’s (see more information below).

     You may always  change your pictures within your account.

    Your geolocation and/or residence is used to:

    • share your current residence with other members nearby, based on your residence;
    • show you which other members are nearby you at a particular moment, based on your geolocation;
    • to show in which area you are.

    We may process these personal data, because you have given us your consent to do so (i.e. by voluntarily providing us with such information).

    Date of birth is used to:

    • calculate and verify your age;
    • show your age on your Account;
    • to search and match based on set preferences by you and other members;
    • show on your Account when it is your birthday.

     We may process these personal data, because we have a legitimate interest to do so (i.e. making sure you are old enough to create an Account and show your age on your Account, so other members can take this into account).

    Payment Details are used to:

    • process your payments;
    • include in our records for the benefit of the national tax authorities.

    We may process these personal data, because this is necessary to perform our agreement with you (i.e. process your payments).

    Your (chat) messages are used to:

    • give you access to your chat-history


    We may process these personal data, because this is necessary to perform our agreement with you (i.e. provide you the option to chat via your Account).

    Your (chat) messages are strictly confidential.

    Push notifications from Alaii

    If you have given us permission via our App, we will send you push notifications via our App to inform you about your membership status and to notify you of new messages and other activity regarding Your Account. We may also send you push notifications with suggestions of people you might like and events that are organized in or nearby your place of residence. Push notifications can be controlled under settings in the app.

    Invite friend

    If you use the ‘Invite friend’-feature to invite someone to Alaii, we will send an email message to the email address you submitted to us. We won’t share this email address with anyone else. We will tell the recipient that you have asked us to send this message. By choosing to use the ‘Invite friend’-feature you confirm that your friend is happy to receive the email. You also hereby agree to indemnify and hold Alaii harmless from all claims arising out of your messages to any person through Alaii. You must and will not use our ‘Invite friend’-feature to send spam.

    How do we protect your Personal Data?

    We work hard to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized or unlawful access, alteration, disclosure, use or destruction. We take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure the Personal Data. For example, we encrypt our services using SSL, the data are only accessible through a secret password and digital signatures, and our employees only have access to your data on a need-to-know basis. Although we will take all reasonable measures, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our Website; any transmission is at your own risk.

    Who do we share your Personal Data with?

    We do not sell your Personal Data to third parties. However, we may need to share Personal Data with third-party service providers to assist us in operating the Website and App and/or to conduct some processing of your information

    Changes to this Privacy Policy

    We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our Website and App. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. When we change this Privacy Policy in a significant way, we will post a notification on our Website and App along with the updated Privacy Policy and also send you a notification and ask you to agree to this Privacy Policy before you can continue your use of your Account.